Saturday, January 26, 2013

Eating Sh..

Do you ever get tired of eating sh*t? I know I do. Being a grown up sucks major arse, taking the high road instead of blatantly speaking your mind. I don't know if this being mature thing is really all it's cracked up to be. I know I have control issues, but a lot of those control issues are also common sense issues, and it really seems to be lacking today.

Professionalism on the work front is not all it's cracked up to be, it requires you to hold your tongue, stay neutral and not get ahead of yourself when really you see the big f-ing problems as clear as day and can see the solution potentials to those problems but it's well above your pay grade/ position to even be listened to let alone accepted. BLOWS, eating that kind of sh*t because really your only go is to see things improved and maybe by proxy improve your own situation as well.

What I want to say is....

  • Hey, what you are doing is clearly not working because your overlooking the big ass elephant in the room and it's about as useful putting a band aid on a missing limb.
  • Hello?!! A little stepping outside of the box and not being terrified of the big bad world around you and might be a good idea. Hey and maybe, I don't know stepping into the current times technologically could benefit you, it's not 1988 anymore!
  • Um, imagine that for one second you treated the employee's as individuals instead of avoiding having to actually confront the douche canoes causing problems and laying blanket, antiquated, and stupid ass rules across the board.(did i mention its bad for employee morale)
  • OMG! Here's a thought!! How about you actually look into something that's been suggested on your own or have your assistants do that for you rather than immediately taking the word of someone who is completely guilty of being terrified by anything new.
Alas, I am a professional and voiced my opinions in the (mostly) appropriate settings to the (mostly) appropriate people. Meanwhile what I see makes my smh repeatedly and actually question my own sanity. I don't understand why such asinine shit must take place in the workplace and really have to work to keep myself if check. 

That's rant enough for now before I say something that may be used against me. In the meantime, I will be thankful for the baby steps because without those I'd lose my damn mind.

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