Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pinterest, the love/hate relationship

I know I've ranted about Pinterest before, but it was mostly about my addiction to it. In the past few months I've developed a serious love/hate relationship with Pinterest. I can't break up with it obviously because of the love portion of my relationship. Here's how pinterest is doing me wrong...

1. There are so many great ideas on there, that I want to try them all but I have a full time job, 3 kids, a husband who is like a overgrown 4th kid, and a very limited bank account to go with my very limited amount of my free time.

2. There are so many ideas on there that I either get overwhelmed and forget where I pinned things I wanted to try or I get distracted and find more things I want to try, never actually getting any of them done.

3. Most of the ideas on there that I truly love are not cooking (which I do acceptably at best) but home improvement projects that require that I obtain skills such as the ability to work with power tools, or simply knowing how to use the sewing machine I purchased on a whim 12 years ago and still can't sew a straight line with.

4. I am not handy (in case you haven't guessed that) and I am also not well versed in crafty, and to top it off I don't have neat things like Michael's or any other craft store within 30 miles of my house. Which means for the few things I have tried I have used "substitute" materials which have resulted in pintrocities, and in no way shape or form resemble the craft I intended them to be. It's very discouraging.

So you see my dilemma right? Oh Pinterest why do you mock me....

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